Thursday, 29 March 2012


no legs... a lot of my people at the moment seem to end up without feet.

Legless but happy (invisibility gaters)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

better late than never..

We've been and gone and done the exhibition! And it came together so lovely! It was up at Foyles on Charing Cross Road:

Work by Narisa Togo (on the left) and Rosie Byrne (the baby on the right).

Liza Smith's dolls. well shod and rosie on a shelf,
that's where I'd like to be come 70.

Heidi Deedman makes hilarious books. And I know it won't be long before your nearest library will be pushing them too. We won the Sebastian Walker award together.

Here's me looking shifty in a picture that is meant to
demonstrate beyond a doubt that this is definitely My Work. hmm.

I'm afraid I was rubbish and only took a very few pictures - but you can see more, and find further links to others in the exhibition, on our blog, here.